Emergency Management Plans
We maintain and implement Emergency Management Plans (EMP's)All employers have a duty in the WHS Act & Regulation 2011 to prepare, maintain and implement an emergency plan. We base our emergency management plans (EMPs) on the practical assessment of hazards associated with an event or workplace and the possible consequences of an emergency occurring as a result of those hazards.
When developing an emergency management plan (EMP) our experts consider the application of all relevant laws, including public health laws and state or territory disaster plans. Avert Risk Management can assist clients at all stages of the Emergency Management process in accordance with the WHS Act & Regulations 2011 and the process defined within the Australian Standard AS/NZS 3745:2010 – Planning for emergencies in facilities.
As part of an emergency management solution for your event, activity or workplace, ACES can provide certified Emergency Wardens and Fire Wardens, or related training services.
In line with the WHS Act and Regulations 2011, our Emergency Management Plans detail:
- Emergency Procedures
- Emergency Response
- Evacuation Procedures
- Notifying Emergency Services
- Medical Treatment and Assistance
- Effective communication plans with all workers at the workplace
- Testing of the emergency procedures
- Information, training and instruction to workers (in relation to implementing the emergency procedures)
Our Emergency Management Plans are concise, easy to understand, tailored to your event or workplace and take into consideration
- The nature of the work being carried out at the workplace or the scale of the event
- The size and location of the workplace, for example, remoteness, proximity to health services
- The nature of the hazards at the workplace or event
- The number and composition of the workers, for example, employees, contractors, volunteers and other persons at the workplace such as visitors and patrons